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Man vs Society

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatAprotagonistseessomethinginauniqueway.Peopleinhistownorculturedon'tlikehiswayofthinking.Hisboldideasdivergefromtraditionortherules.Theyridiculeandthreatenhim.Heiscompelledtoact.Ourheromayconvincetheothersheisright,buthemightbeforcedtofleetown.Hemayevenlosehislife.Everyoneinmytowndoes______________acertainway.Butwhatifthereisadifferentway?Never!That'sludicrous!Butit'stradition!Letmeexplain!
Man vs Society
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Storyboard Beschreibung

Man vs. Society External Conflict in Literature Storyboard Conflict in Literature


  • Everyone in my town does ______________ a certain way. But what if there is a different way?
  • Never!
  • That's ludicrous!
  • But it's tradition!
  • Let me explain!
  • A protagonist sees something in a unique way.
  • People in his town or culture don't like his way of thinking. His bold ideas diverge from tradition or the rules. They ridicule and threaten him. He is compelled to act.
  • Our hero may convince the others he is right, but he might be forced to flee town. He may even lose his life.
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