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face to face classes

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face to face classes
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  • One day near the store, Mike and Ellie met to each other and decided to talk about face-to-face classes next school year.
  • Hey Mike, long time no see! What are you doing here?
  • Um, Just hangin' around com'n let's have a talk.
  • I am so excited for the face-to-face classes next year. Face-to-face classes really help students learn more effectively.
  • I completely agree, furthermore with face-to-face classes you do not have the common problems on online learning like poor internet connection, an environment unfit for learning and many more.
  • I think so too, it also doesn't have the problems that comes along with distance learning namely staying motivated, interacting with peers and the lack of immediate feedback.
  • They should start face-to-face classes right now!
  • No, they shouldn't. While I do agree to your statements about advantages of face-to-face learning, we shouldn't resume face-to-face classes just yet as threat of COVID-19 is still looming.
  • I kind of agree, we should at least wait until the vaccines are given out.
  • You're totally right! I did not think of that. Let's hope that this pandemic will be over soon.
  • By the way, I have to go now, since I have something to do. Hopefully we will meet again where everyone is safe from this virus
  • Yeah, let's go home now!
  • Goodbye guys!
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