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Constellation Myth

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Constellation Myth
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  • There once was a very poor village where people struggled every day to find things to eat.. They turned their backs on the gods in anger for their suffering
  • Apologize to the gods. Pray for forgiveness!
  • Shut up old man! You know nothing
  • In this village, there was a blind man named Simon who believed that the gods would only become angrier, and that people needed to go back to worshipping them
  • Unknown to Simon, two of the gods were in the village debating the fate of the villagers
  • Zeus, I see that the people have turned away from us. We need to destroy this village
  • Ares, we mustn't rush. Can we find a true servant to save this village?
  • Anything? Even sacrificing YOURSELF???
  • Please stop! I will do anything to save my people, even if they don't want to save themselves!
  • If I must, YES! These people need you, the gods, to help them.
  • The gods accepted Simon's sacrifice and they placed him in the sky to remind all to never stop worshiping the them.
  • Every night the villagers ate their food under the stars to give thanks to Simon and the gods for their gifts
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