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Castaways Storyboard
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:00 Black screen, Dad Metal fades in :08, fades out :12. Next screen starts fading in at :15
:15 Night time, storm clouds, lightning intermittently. Camera zooming out slowly revealing boat at :29
:29 Ship in storm, tossed by waves violently
:36 characters on deck
:42 Angle from other side, deck rocking violently and items sliding:49 Large wave builds:55 shows wave crash over the deck
:57 items from ship shown falling into ocean slowly
1:03 Ship sailing at sea, with characters
1:07 Clouds build, Rain starts to fall on deck and characters, sails start to distend from increasing wind
1:12 Ship lurches violently, throwing characters around
1:18 Characters in life boat, moving away from ship starting to sink, both still battered by waves and rain
1:25 boat sees the silhouette of an island with lightning in the background
1:28 Boat and characters wash up on shore of island
1:32 characters start building shelter (montage)
1:38 Characters in make shift clothes, living off the land, more rugged looking
1:45 Characters becoming much more adept at living off the land, much more feral looking
1:59 Characters now move freely on the island, slow pan out
Characters still doing island stuff (fishing, carrying things, I don't know. I have never lived on an Island)
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