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Oral Communication

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Oral Communication
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  • Intrapersonal (Internal Discourse)
  • I still have assignments I need to do. I should finish them today so I can relax after.
  • Your Mom and I plan to go out later at 11 am. Do you guys want to come?
  • Okay, Mom! I’ll finish my school works so I can go out with you guys later.
  • Interpersonal (Group),Intimate Style
  • We plan to buy groceries for your Lolo and Lola and then after that we plan to go to the mall.
  • I'm not sure if I can, but I'll try to finish my school tasks too.
  • Well me too, so let’s work hard to finish our homework before 11 am.
  • Kuya, are you going out with us later?
  • Interpersonal (Dyad),Intimate Style
  • I’m not really sure if I can go, I still have a bit of a problem with my assignments.
  • Intrapersonal (Solo Vocal Communication)
  • Yey! I 'm done with Oral Communication! I'm also done with the mini task in Philosophy! I can go out with the gang later.
  • Interpersonal (Dyad), Intimate Style
  • Wow, it’s been a longtime since we last went outside. Right, mom?
  • Yeah, it’s been a while.
  • Intrapersonal (Internal Discourse)
  • Gosh I’m so tired. But this day was still fun nonetheless. 
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