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Search and Seizure PT
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Storyboard Beschreibung
Well maybe if you paid attention you would.
I do not understand this
I hate school, how I do not know anything. I'll just have sell weed for money
Bro you got the tree.
I got you Bro! Meet me outside. remember it's 25.
Here's 25 bro.
Here's the weed.
This looks suspicious. I am going to report this to the principle.
Are you selling drugs Johnny!
No, I was not. You do not have the right to search me i'm protected by the 4th Amendment.
I'm going to have to search your bag kid
Because you are a student all we need is a reasonable cause
You had no right. I'm taking you to court.
They unlawfully searched me. They did not have the right.
Your honor we had reasonable cause to search the students bag. Due to evidence provided by a teacher.
The verdict is...
Shoot, I really messed my life up. What's going to happen to me in jail?
Due to the grey area in the 4th amendment schools are legally allowed to search you with reasonable cause. Therefore you are found guilty
Thank you your honor.
I really messed my life up. I wish I knew my rights.
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