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laboratory safety
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Hi Jennie, are you ready for todays LAB experiment?
Hi Lisa, Yes, today with Ms. Rose.
OMG! What about this boy who doesn't follow the rules
Ms. Rose said, that this Lab we have to do it with Kai as a group.
I just hope that Kai don't have problems with Ms. Rose again.
What was my locker?
The Laboratory project will look good if we follow the safety rules. Do not worry!
Everybody sit down please.
I hope so. I'm so excited for next class period to come.
Kai, what are you doing? Only the chemicals specified by the teacher will be used. No unauthorized experimentation will be done.
Again, he didn't follow the safety rules
Ms. Rose, really?Again?
Kai, let's go to the office so you can go back to studying the safety rules. You also stay there until you learn them,
Sorry Kai, but we need report all accidents, no matter how minor, to the teacher.
.....And thanks to Ms. I, for helping Marcos understand them.
It's good, that at the end of the day, Marcos understood the importance of following the safety rules.
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