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Infection Control Storyboard
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I have SOB, cough, and fever!
We are going to test you for COVID-19.
Good news, your COVID-19 test is negative!
I still have SOB, cough, and fever.
Let's STOP THE LINE, this patient is clinically positive for COVID-19!
This is a STAR MOMENT. The COVID test is negative, but the patient is symptomatic with a positive CXR.
The patient arrives to the Emergency Department with symptoms of COVID-19.
Great idea, let's do it!
Let's treat the patient and not the test result.
Do a process flow to ensure we list all the steps.
The COVID-19 test results were negative. Should we remove the patient from isolation?
How is the patient today?
The patient is improving. I'm glad we had a QUESTIONING ATTITUDE and kept her on isolation, despite the negative COVID test.
I feel SAFE we clinically assessed the patient before removing isolation.
The patient is clinically assessed for COVID-19. STOP THE LINE & STAR MOMENT.
I am glad the doctors and nurses listened to how I was feeling, and had THOUGHTFUL INTERACTIONS with me, regardless of my negative test result!
I'm glad you're feeling better!
The creation of the COVID-19 NEGATIVE team.
Despite the negative test result, isolation precautions were maintained.
The patient had a safe discharge. There was no second victim due to the transmission of COVID-19.
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