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Democracy In Our World Today

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Democracy In Our World Today
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Define Democracy examples In Our World Today


  • Class #1: Outdoor Education
  • Class #2: Community Service
  • The first class that I would add to our schedule is Outdoor Education. Outdoor Education allows students to build strong interpersonal relationships, think critically, and develop relationships with nature. This curriculum will allow students in our school to be more active and outgoing during the school day.
  • The second class that I would add to our curriculum is a community service course. Students in this course would be able to interact with members of their community that could use a helping hand. This course would allow students to understand social issues along with a deep and genuine feeling of empathy towards their fellow citizens.
  • Welcome To The Community Garden
  • Class #3: Marine Biology
  • "What Classes Should We Add To Our Schedule?"
  • Class #4: CTD (Critical Thinking and Design)
  • Critical Thinking And Design
  • For students interested in the sciences, I would like to add a hands-on Marine Biology course to our school. Students would be able to not only learn about concepts in class but then be able to work in a local aquarium or animal sanctuary with the marine animals they have been studying.
  • The fourth class I would add to our school is CTD otherwise known as Critical Thinking and Design. This class would allow students to study architecture, analyze technology, and create their own models and innovations. This hands-on class would allow all students to create the complex and creative ideas that exist in their mind.


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