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Significance of the Compass

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatCOMPASSAmagneticcompassisanavigationdevicethatisusedtodisplaydirectionsbyrelyingontheEarth’smagneticpoles. Thecompasswassuchasignificantinventionbecauseitallowedexplorerstobeabletodiscoverunknownlands whichledtomassivehumanmigrationsanddeeperunderstandingoftheplanet. Weneedtohead56degrees west,Captain!
Significance of the Compass
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Invention of the Compass | A magnetic compass is a navigation device that is used to display directions by relying on the Earth’s magnetic poles. The compass was such a significant invention because it allowed explorers to be able to discover unknown lands which led to massive human migrations and deeper understanding of the planet.


  • COMPASS A magnetic compass is a navigation device that is used to display directions by relying on the Earth’s magnetic poles. The compass was such a significant invention because it allowed explorers to be able to discover unknown lands which led to massive human migrations and deeper understanding of the planet.
  • We need to head 56 degrees west, Captain!
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