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Unknown Story
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  • Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Medusa. She lived in Greece, in a city called Athena.
  • I'm Medusa , the most beautiful girl in town.
  • Although she was the most beautiful girl in town, she bragged her beauty to anyone who would listen.
  • One day, she visited Parthenon with her friends, which is the largest temple in the town.
  • Such a shame that this was wasted on Athena for I am much prettier than her.
  • However, Medusa boasted of her beauty all the time, and soon, her boast became outrageous.
  • How dare you! There is more to life than beauty! Others work hard and all you do is boast and admire yourself!
  • But--
  • By my power your fate shall serve as a reminder for those to control their pride.
  • Medusa made rash remarks about the temple and the people left for they knew what Athena would do if she heard this.
  • Suddenly Athena appeared in the temple. She yelled at Medusa for insulting her. Medusa tried to talk but Athena silenced her.
  • Athena was angry so she turned Medusa into a hideous creature, her hair into snakes, her eyes the color of blood.
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