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Įtikinamojo Rašinio Darbalapis Portreto Spalva 8

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Name: Enter Text Here

Date: Enter Text Here

Persuasive Writing!
Įtikinamojo Rašinio Darbalapis Portreto Spalva 8
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Beschreibung

Įtikinantis rašymo kontūras skaitmeninio darbalapio šablonas. OREO akronimas ir tema.


  • Name: Enter Text Here Date: Enter Text Here Persuasive Writing!
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  • OpinionGive your opinion and explain how you feel about the topic.Enter Text Here
  • ReasonGive reasons and examples to support your opinion.Enter Text Here
  • ExampleGive an example and details to support your opinion.Enter Text Here
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  • OpinionRestate your opinion and explain how you feel about the topic.Enter Text Here
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