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  • In the depths of a cold, dark water. Lived the monsters mother, who wanted vengeance for her sons death.
  • AHHHH! My sweet Gren Gren didn't deserve this. Whoever this "great warrior" is, he will pay foe what he has done!
  • Little did the monsters mother know, Beowulf was on the way to finish this once and for all.
  • Out of the blue, Beowulf attacks the she-monster with great skill. The toss and turn; it was a rather difficult fight. But of course Beowulf remains victorious.
  • As the she-monster breathes her last breaths; Beowulf goes into the cave, looking for his past nemesis.
  • He finds the monster dead. With on quick draw of his sword he cuts the monsters head off.
  • As the monster was feasting, Beowulf came out of nowhere and tore his arm off.
  • Beowulf floats back up to the surface with not only his prize, but the sword that gave him victory.
  • As Beowulf reaches the surface, his mean rejoice. And the noble warrior remain victorious in his conquest.
  • The monster fled the castle and the humans were victorious.. or so they thought.
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