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Fight or Flight Comic Strip

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Fight or Flight Comic Strip
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  • Yes! We should go for a hike
  • This has been a really fun camping trip Mom!
  • Its sure calm and peaceful out here!
  • Yes, but we haven't seen any wildlife. I would sure like to see some!
  • She will be feeling her hands start to sweat, her heart to pound faster, and her skin start to flush.
  • Ahhhhh!!! Its a bear!
  • What are we going to do!
  • Fight of Flight?Flight: If we walk away slowly without the bear getting our attention, we might be ok!Fight: If we fight the bear we may risk getting hurt.I think we are going to flight
  • We are almost back to our campsite by walking back slowly, and the bear didn't even notice us!
  • I am so glad that we didn't fight, and look at the bear now it is sleeping!
  • I am so glad that we are both ok. 
  • Me too! I am sure glad that we went on this camping trip Mom, I learned a lot of valuable lessons.
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