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PBL Timeline

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Research facts about homeless animals in Massachusetts. Focus on spaying, neutering, and leash laws and how these laws differ across the country.

Contact the Boston Animal Rescue League to set up a time for them to come in and talk to the class.

Make a brochure and send to copier. Make enough copies for whole school.

Make fundraising posters, write out daily announcements, and make collection cans for each classroom. Put large donation boxes by the front door and in the front office.

Schedule a time to visit each classroom to talk about the fundraiser, animal overpopulation, and the shelters we will be donating to. Hand out brochures.

Set up a time to bring donations and write newspaper write-up. What next? Speak at animal shelter?!

PBL Planning

2015 CE2016 CE2017 CE2018 CE2019 CE2020 CELegendTime Break1 Years and 364 Days

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 5

Step 4

Step 6

Check when


Check when


Check when


Check when


Check when


Check when








PBL Timeline
Storyboard That

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Projektbasierte Lernaktivitäten

Projekt Basiertes Lernen

Von Lauren Ayube

Projektbasiertes Lernen ist eine Lehrmethode, bei der Schüler lernen, indem sie sich an realen und persönlich wichtigen und sinnvollen Projekten beteiligen. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Sie PBL in Ihren Unterricht integrieren können!


Schauen Sie sich auch einige unserer anderen Lehrartikel an!

Storyboard Beschreibung

Creating a timeline is a great way for students to plan out their project and the steps they need to take or goals they'd like to make.


  • Check when complete Check when complete Check when complete Check when complete Check when complete Check when complete
  • Notes
  • PBL Planning
  • Step 1
  • Research facts about homeless animals in Massachusetts. Focus on spaying, neutering, and leash laws and how these laws differ across the country.
  • Notes
  • Step 2
  • Notes
  • Make a brochure and send to copier. Make enough copies for whole school.
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Contact the Boston Animal Rescue League to set up a time for them to come in and talk to the class.
  • Notes
  • Notes
  • Step 5
  • Make fundraising posters, write out daily announcements, and make collection cans for each classroom. Put large donation boxes by the front door and in the front office.
  • Notes
  • Schedule a time to visit each classroom to talk about the fundraiser, animal overpopulation, and the shelters we will be donating to. Hand out brochures.
  • Step 6
  • Set up a time to bring donations and write newspaper write-up. What next? Speak at animal shelter?!
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