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The Last Cherry Blossom Beginning Middle End Summary

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Yuirko’s teacher reacts strangely to her family tree project and says, “that’s not right.” When her papa finds out, Yuriko’s teacher doesn’t return and Yuriko wonders why.

Yuriko discovers that Papa is actually her grandfather, and her Aunt Kimiko is actually her mother. Yuriko is hurt that this secret was kept from her, and wonders why no one told her the truth.

The atomic bomb is dropped on the city of Hiroshima, and Yuriko loses her family and best friend, in one way or another, as a direct result of the attack. She attends a boarding school, makes new friends, and meets up with her birth father.

That's not right. That's not right.


Nishimoto is your father.

No! No! You're lying! That's not true!

The Last Cherry Blossom Beginning Middle End Summary
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Beschreibung

Have students create a beginning, middle, end summary of The Last Cherry Blossom by Kathleen Burkinshaw.


  • ????
  • That's not right. That's not right.
  • Nishimoto is your father.
  • No! No! You're lying! That's not true!
  • END
  • Yuirko’s teacher reacts strangely to her family tree project and says, “that’s not right.” When her papa finds out, Yuriko’s teacher doesn’t return and Yuriko wonders why.
  • Yuriko discovers that Papa is actually her grandfather, and her Aunt Kimiko is actually her mother. Yuriko is hurt that this secret was kept from her, and wonders why no one told her the truth.
  • The atomic bomb is dropped on the city of Hiroshima, and Yuriko loses her family and best friend, in one way or another, as a direct result of the attack. She attends a boarding school, makes new friends, and meets up with her birth father.
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