Once there was a greedy king named Midas who wasn't appreciative of his wealth and great fortune. Midas wanted more power.
I will be even more powerful! Just wait...
Other than his riches, Midas also adored his wife and young daughter.
Midas's final prized possesion is his garden..
One day while wondering through his garden Midas saw something strange.
what in the world is that..!?
It turned out to be a satyr who belonged to Dyonisis. The satyr's name was Silenus.
Your trespassing in my garden!
I'm sorry I fell asleep here by mistake..
Oh no! Dyonisis has a short temper.. he'll kill me!
I must tell Dyonisis about your behavior.
No! I'll make a deal with you..
The deal was if Silenus stayed and told stories to Midas then he wouldn't tell Dyonisis.
Once upon a time, there was a dude walking down the street..
I'm here to return your satyr
A few days later Midas took the satyr back home.
Thank you so much for taking care of Silenus!
I must repay you! Anything you want.
A few days passed and Midas came back...
I want a wish... I want to have gold touch.
As you wish..
To test this new ability Midas started in the garden, touching every flower.
..Then Midas realized he couldn't do things like eat or drink,he even accidently turned his daughter into a golden statue. He was unhappy with his new "gold touch"
Diyonisis, I don't want this any more! Please tell me how I can get rid of it!
If you wish to get rid of the golden touch you mist float down the Pactolus river.
And away Midas went. To wash away all of the magic.
When Midas returned home his golden touch was gone and everything went back to normal.