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Email Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts

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Hi Bob, This email is important. I wanted to tell you 82 quick things: blah blah blah..
Hi Marcia,I took care of the sales report. Have a good weekend! - Bob
defs id="defs11748">

Great! The email is short and to the point!

Good grief! This email might as well be a book!

Hey, I was just thinking of you Karen. Happy Birthday best friend!- Monica

Let me just copy and paste this message to everyone that has birthdays today.

Ms. Klein, I have tutoring after school today so, as per our discussion, my homework will be a little late. Thanks for understanding - Joe

Dear Ms. Klein,My hw is gunna b a lttl L8 :( Sry!

ttyl From Sandy

Email Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts
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E-Mail-Etikette für Schüler

Von Katherine Docimo

Gymnasiasten betreten eine Welt, in der alles digital ist. Ihre College-Bewerbungen, Bewerbungen, sogar ihr soziales Leben basieren online und per E-Mail. Helfen Sie den Schülern mit Storyboard That, alles über die E-Mail-Etikette zu lernen!


Schauen Sie sich auch einige unserer anderen Lehrartikel an!

Storyboard Beschreibung

Proper Email Etiquette Tips and Examples: The Do's and Don'ts of Email Etiquette


  • DO's
  • Great! The email is short and to the point!
  • Hi Marcia,I took care of the sales report. Have a good weekend! - Bob
  • DON'Ts
  • Hi Bob, This email is important. I wanted to tell you 82 quick things: blah blah blah..
  • Good grief! This email might as well be a book!
  • Ms. Klein, I have tutoring after school today so, as per our discussion, my homework will be a little late. Thanks for understanding - Joe
  • Dear Ms. Klein,My hw is gunna b a lttl L8 :( Sry!ttyl From Sandy
  • Hey, I was just thinking of you Karen. Happy Birthday best friend!- Monica
  • Let me just copy and paste this message to everyone that has birthdays today.
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