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First Grade

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First Grade
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  • Blue- Azul Orange- Naranga Red -Rojo
  • Welcome to class! Bienvenidos a clase!
  • Ms. Coronel
  • Room 316
  • Room 317
  • Welcome to Ms. McVay's classroom.
  • Click
  • Click
  • Hello Class I am Ms. McVay and welcome to the first grade. Get ready to do a lot of hard work in this class.
  • Welcome to Ms. McVay's classroom.
  • Apple Accept Adult Among Aquire Approach Ancient Almost
  • Apricot Addict Age Alive Appreciate Angry After About
  • Aid Approve Arrange Authorize Annoy Abandon Air Above
  • Allow Animal Again Appeal Argue Act Award Amount Assemble
  • You will copy all of the Vocabulary words from the board and write them five times each.
  • Avenue Ambulance Athletic Ambition Admire Ant Aunt Answer Analyze
  • During pre-school and kindergarten, I was grateful to have bilingual teachers. My classmates and I were Spanish speakers and learning to be English speakers and writers. It was great because I felt very comfortable with them.
  • Everything changed on the first day of school of the first grade. I was split apart from my bilingual classmates. They went to 317 with a bilingual teacher and I went to an all english class in room 316.
  • I remember walking into the classroom and hearing everyone speak English. The teacher wasn’t there yet but my new classmates were. My new classmates greeted one another and there wasn’t a single Spanish word involved in their conversations. It was the first time I felt like an outsider.
  • As I sat there thinking about my old teachers, I heard a clicking down the hallway. It was a clicking that was stood out through the quiet hallway. As it got closer, the class became more quiet.
  • Wonderful With Wander Wish Want With Web
  • Witch Watch Wish Work Wood Whisper Willow
  • Wax Whisle Wig Wiggle Wave Wax Whistle
  • Wink Web Whiskers Wand White Wet Wet Whisk
  • There will be a test on all these words! Practice people!
  • Wake Walk Wagon Warrior Wise Will Word Wise Wise Wise
  • As she came in to the room and introduced herself, I became nervous and afraid. She had strong and strict voice. She didn't like to be interrupted.
  • Okay 20 words...
  • I can do this! It's easy.
  • Right away, she assigned us our homework.
  • Spell the Words that I say outloud
  • One- Work "I work at an elementary school." Second- Wonderful "She did a wonderful job drawing her art project."
  • For weeks I felt that my fingers were going to fall off by how much writing my homework required.
  • Above above above above above
  • My parents didn't know how to write in English, so they were unable to help me with my homework. I was on my own.
  • Above above above above above
  • I worked hard and managed to get good grades on my homework.
  • Above Above Above above
  • A+
  • Ms. McVay told us about our test.
  • I had done great on my homework, so I didn’t doubt for a second that I wouldn’t ace my test.
  • Ms. McVay began the test and I felt confident as I wrote down my answers.
  • 1. work 2. Wandeful
  • 1. Work 2. wondeful
  • D+
  • Agenda for today: Popcorn Reading!
  • Agenda for today Popcorn Reading!
  • When someone calls on you, you have to continue reading from where they left off. Okay.
  • Karly you can go first!
  • p. 35 Soupy Saturday's Author Judy Blume
  • On Satur-days we do er-rands with Dad. He’s good at err-ands. Today. even tho it was relly warm. the Pai-n was wear-ing ear-muffs.
  • Our first stop was the shoe store. The shoe sales-man took one look at the Pain and said, “We have some nice snow boots on sale. Half price.”
  • Okay thank you Karly, now call on someone else.
  • Aww man *whispers* Where did you stop?
  • Isaac
  • I was shocked to see that I did terrible. I felt alone and very disappointed in myself. Clearly coming from a Spanish home effected my ability of understanding English.
  • The next day, Ms. McVay taught us how to do 'popcorn reading' to help us practice to read out loud.
  • What now?
  • Ms. McVay called on me to read the book.
  • I was nervous but I remembered that Ms. McVay always told us to sound out the words. I sounded out the words as I read outloud.
  • Something amazing happened as I continued to read. I was able to picture what was going on in the story in my own head.
  • After I read another sentence Ms. McVay told me to call on someone else. After reading outloud I realized that reading is like watching t.v. inside your head!
  • Reading from then on changed my life. I started to read in my free time. My favorite series at the time were Junie B. Jones series and Magic Tree House.
  • My favorite thing about reading has always been the visualization of the story becoming alive.
  • Now as a college student, you can find me sitting on a bench in the quad reading a book.


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