Odysseus and his men make it to the island of polyphemus.
As the wine began working, the cyclops slowly went to sleep and they began preparing a stake to blind him with.
It is Odysseus’s famed curiosity that leads him to the Cyclops’scave and that makes him insist on waiting for the barbaric giant.
Odysseus and his men head towards a cave notcing that there are lots of animals around.
They were caught by the cyclops eating and drinking on his stuff
‘Strangers,’ he said, ‘who are you? And where from? What brings you here by seaways—a fair traffic?Or are you wandering rogues, who cast your liveslike dice, and ravage other folk by sea?’ (24-27
They offerd the cyclops wine to make him drunk and sleepy
‘Cyclops, try some wine.Here’s liquor to wash down your scraps of men.Taste it, and see the kind of drink we carriedunder our planks.(124-127)
Now, by the gods, I drove my big hand spikedeep in the embers, charring it again,and cheered my men along with battle talkto keep their courage up: no quitting now. (150-153)
Odysseus takes the stake right into the cyclop's eye.
I drew it from the coals and my four fellowsgave me a hand, lugging it near the Cyclopsas more than natural force nerved them; straightforward they sprinted, lifted it, and rammed itdeep in his crater eye,(156,160)
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