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Zvončari 5

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Number of the Day:

enter # here



Math Bell Ringer!

Place Value

Expanded Form

Circle: ODD EVEN

Model the Number:

Word Form:

+ 10 =

- 10 =

+ 100 =

Use this word in a sentence:
Zvončari 5
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Beschreibung

Predlošci radnog lista zvončara | Izradite prilagođene upite zvona za matematiku


  • Name  Date 
  • Number of the Day:enter # here
  • Expanded Form
  • + 10 = - 10 =+ 100 =
  • Word Form:
  • Model the Number:
  • Circle: ODD EVEN
  • Place Value
  • Math Bell Ringer!
  • Use this word in a sentence:
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