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Hailey's Diary

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Hailey's Diary
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  • Palm Sunday
  • Monday Jesus Cleared the Temple
  • Jesus Taught the People
  • On Sunday Jesus came to Jerusalem. He wasn't riding on a fancy horse, He was riding on a donkey. It was a small donkey but Jesus liked it. People were super happy to see Jesus, so they waved palm branches around and laid their coats on the road for Him.
  • Thursday The Last Supper
  • On Monday Jesus walks into the temple. He sees that people are selling animals and expensive things. Jesus gets mad because the temple is His Fathers house, and His house is a place to worship. So He started to throw the tables around because he was disappointed.
  • Jesus is Crucified Good Friday
  • On Wednesday and Tuesday Jesus taught the people about God. He taught the people what not to say and what is wrong and what is right. Leaders of churches thought Jesus was a fake, which He is not. They did not like Jesus and they were trying to find a way to kill Him.
  • Sunday Jesus is Resurrected
  • On Thursday Jesus and his disciples were having a great meal together. Jesus new it was his last meal because he would die the next day. Christians call it The Lords Supper. Jesus took some bread and blessed it, He gave the blessed bread to his disciples. He said "Eat this bread, it is my body." Then He pored some wine in a cup and blessed it. He said" Drink this, It is my blood" Then Judas, one of the disciples, took Jesus and helped get him arrested.
  • On Friday, Jesus was taken to the Governor, Pontuis Pilate. Pontuis pilate agreed that Jesus should die. They took him to Golgotha to be crucified.
  • On Sunday, some of Jesus's friends went to see him after he died. When they got there they saw an angle. The angle said," Don't be afraid, Jesus is back, go spreed the word." His disciples told people to worship Jesus because he is back. But people didn't believe them. Then Jesus appeared and people believed. That is the story of what we call Holy Week. 
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