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The Way Freud Sees Me
Look! I look just like you now!
The Way Bandura Sees
He's right there! He's one shot Jake!
The Way Rodgers Sees Me
Aww he is such a good baby.
Freud said that we identify with the same sex parent and here I am matching the same clothes as my Dad.
The Way Eysenck Sees Me
I like being alone in my room because its peaceful and I feel so calm
Bandura says that different people choose different environments depending on what makes them feel comfortable
The Way Maslow Sees
I feel so healthy and strong now that I go to the gym.
Carl Rodgers claimed that people are basically good until they are impacted by the environment that inhibits growth.
The way Adler Sees
Mom likes me more because I'm younger
Eysenck would see this as being an introvert and stable according to his Personality Questionnaire.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs this would cover esteem needs because I am being independent and achieving my goals at the gym building my self esteem.
Adler sees birth order impacting childhood tension and striving for superiority and power
No she likes me more because I'm the first child.
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