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  • Define the Problem
  • Hey Molly, do you want to come to my party tonight?
  • Oh, I'm not sure, I might be busy, I'll think about it
  • Wait, but my best friend didn't get invited. Should I go or not?
  • Examine the Options
  • Well, I could go without my best friend, or I could not go and be with her.
  • Consider the Outcome
  • But if I went, I wouldn't be with my best friend, but I would get to go. On the other hand, if I didn't go, I wouldn't enjoy being at the party, but I would get to be with Amelia.
  • Identify Your Values
  • If I think that having fun is more important, then I'll go without Amelia to the party. But if I think that loyalty is more important, then I won't go and I'll stay with Amelia.
  • Decide and Act
  • Sure! My place?
  • That's fine.
  • Hey, I decided not to go to the party. But thanks for the offer.
  • Amelia, do you want to hang out tonight?...Yep! Sounds like a plan!
  • Evaluate the Decision
  • ...And I'm glad that I chose to not go to that party. I'd rather hang out with you than go to that party.
  • Aw, that's sweet! blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...
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