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Teinien Treffit Sosiaalinen Tarina

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Joey thinks Jen is cool and wants to ask her on a date. He asks her to go see a movie.

Joey asked Jen on the date, so he is paying. Jen offers to pay her part, though, to keep it even.

Joey and Jen had a nice time together and decided to go on another date.

That sounds like fun.

The End

Let me at least pay for half of it...

That will be $12.50

That was a great movie, maybe sometime we can go to dinner?

That would be nice, I had a lot of fun!

I was wondering if you wanted to go see that new movie this weekend?

Teinien Treffit Sosiaalinen Tarina
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Beschreibung

Esimerkki teini-ikäisten treffeillä sosiaalisesta tarinasta. Käytä tätä sosiaalisen tarinan esimerkkiä tai muokkaa sitä auttamaan teini-ikäisiä navigoimaan erilaisissa sosiaalisissa tilanteissa! ilmaiset tulostettavat sosiaalisten tarinoiden työarkit, teini-ikäisten sosiaalisten taitojen työarkit
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