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Farmer Story

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Farmer Story
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  • Today i gathered a lot of food, my wife and my child are going to be so happy.
  • Hey look i got a lot of food.
  • I will think about it.
  • Good but i think if go in deep forest you will get even more food.
  • the next day...
  • I am going in deep forest to get moe food
  • Alright!
  • ok but take your freind Sohan with you
  • We got a lot of food today.
  • Yeah!
  • It might start raining so lets go inside the cave
  • I am grabing other seeds and giving them water so they grow into even more plants
  • Lets spend the night here
  • Look at that seed that grew into a plant
  • What are you doing ?
  • I am watering seed to grow plants and get food
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