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Moses and the Burning Bush

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Moses and the Burning Bush
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  • Moses is watching over his sheep
  • Moses leads the sheep to the far side of the desert
  • "Moses, Moses! Come no closer, and take off your shoes, for the place in which you are standing is Holy Ground".
  • God speaks to Moses
  • Moses lived with the Midianites. The Midianites were people who would move around the desert with their sheep. Moses had settled down and was living in the desert with his wife (and her family), and his child. One day Moses was watching his father-in-law's flock of sheep.
  • God...?
  • Moses was watching the sheep for some time, then he led them to the far side of the desert, and stopped at 'Horeb', the Mountain of God.
  • But... who I am to go into Egypt to see the Pharaoh and take the Israelites out?
  • "I am sending you to the Pharaoh, to bring my people; the 'Israelites', out of Egypt."
  • Moses stops when he sees a burning bush. A flame was blazing from the middle of it, but it was not being burnt up. "I must go across to see this strange sight, and why the bush isn't being burnt up", Moses said. God then speaks to Moses.
  • Ok, I must go save the Israelites... but what if they ask 'what is his name', when I tell them you sent me?
  • God speaks to Moses through the burning bush. Moses covers his face as he is afraid to look at God. God tells Moses that he is the God of Moses' ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
  • "I am the God of your ancestors; the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac; the God of Jacob"
  • Moses is worried because he doesn't think he is worthy enough to go into Egypt and see the Pharaoh and tell him to free the Israelites. God tells Moses that he will be with him. God tells Moses that after he has lead the people out of Egypt, he will worship God on the Mountain.
  • "I shall be with you"
  • Moses says to God, "If I go to the Israelities and tell them 'the God of your ancestors has sent me to you', and they ask me 'what is his name', what do I tell them?" God tells Moses "I am he who is; tell the Israelites 'I am has sent me to you'." Moses then goes to save the Israelities.
  • "Tell them; I am he who is"
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