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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • "I continued to devote myself to my studies, Talmud during the day and Kabbalah at night." (8)
  • "I succeeded on my own In finding a maser for myself in the person of Moishe the Beadle." (4)
  • "'You are too young for that'... He wanted to drive the idea of studying Kabbalah from my mind" (4)
  • "One day, as I was about to enter the synagogue, I saw Moise the Beadle sitting on a bench near the entrance... How had he, Moishe the Beadle, been able to escape?" (6)
  • "He told me what had happened to him and his companions." (6)
  • And then, one day all foreign Jews were expelled from Sighet. And Moishe the Beadle was a foreigner." (6)
  • "Day after day, night after night, he went from one Jewish house to the next, telling his story and that of Malka,,, But people refused to believe his tales, they refused to listem." (7)
  • "My sisters and I were still allowed to move about, as we were destined for the last convoy, and so we helped as best we could." (16)
  • "One by one, the houses emptied and the streets filled with people carrying bundles... The police were taking roll calls, once, twice, twenty times. The heat was oppressive. Sweat streamed from people's faces and bodies." (16)
  • "The Germans were already in our town, the Fascists were already in power... Two Ghettos were created in Sighet" (10-11)
  • "'The news is terrible,' he said at last. And then one word: 'Transports."'" (13)
  • "Maria, our former maid, came to see us. Sobbing, she begged us to come with her to her village where she had prepared a safe shelter." (20)
  • "Naturally, we refused to be separated." (20)
  • "A prolonged whistle pierced the air. The wheels began to grind. We were on our way" (22)
  • "The next morning, we walked toward the station, where a convoy of cattle cars was waiting. The Hungarian police made us climb into the cars, eighty persons in each one." (22)
  • "'If anyone goes missing, you will all be shot, like dogs.'" (24)
  • "'What do you expect? That's war… '" (6)
  • "Mrs. Schächter had lost her mind... On the third night, as we were sleeping... a piercing cry broke the silence." (24)
  • "Someone had placed a damp rag on her forehead... A few young men forced her to sit down, then bound and gagged her... When they  actually struck her, people shouted their approval" (25-26)
  • "Some pressed against the bars to see. There was nothing. Only the darkness of night... It was as though she were possessed by some evil spirit. We tried to reason with her... Our nerves had reached a breaking point. (25)
  • "'Fire! I see a fire! I see a fire!... "Look! Look at this fire! This terrible fire! Have mercy on me!... The fire, over there!'" (24-25-26)
  • "We had arrived. In Birkenau." (28)
  • "'Holding flashlights and sticks, they began to strike at us left and right, shouting:"Everybody out! Leave everything inside. Hurry up!'" (28)
  • "And as the train stopped, this time we saw flames rising from a tall chimney into a black sky... A wretched stench floated in the air" (28)
  • "We finally arrived at our destination... The Small Ghetto." (20)
  • "After two days of travel, thirst became intolerable, as did the heat." (23)
  • "Through the windows, we saw barbed wire; we understood that this was the camp." (28)
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