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  • Emmy, do you like crime novels, right?
  • Yes, teacher.It is my favorite narrative genre
  • So, you know who Edgar Allan Poe is?
  • Of course. He is an American writer, who was the forerunner of this genre.
  • Correct! I'm going to recommend three stories by Edgar Allan Poe for you to read.
  • Thank you, teacher.
  • Teacher, I already read Allan Poe's stories that you recommended to me.
  • Oh, excellent! What do you think about them?
  • They are awesome. My favorite was "The Murders in the Rue Morgue".
  • This story is very interesting because from the beginning when Dupin and his partner began to investigate what happened and who was the murderer, as a reader I also immersed myself in that investigation, but as the story progresses everything becomes complicated and I thought that the case would have no solution.
  • However, thanks to the intelligence and perspicacity of Dupin as a detective, he manages to discover that the murderer is: an orangutan! Something that I would never have imagined and that really surprised me. And if someone asks me about this story, I will recommend it a lot.
  • I'm glad you liked it.
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