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French Revolution Stage 1part 2

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French Revolution Stage 1part 2
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  • Demand to Be Heard
  • I'm hungry!
  • We want to be heard!!
  • Estates General
  • Nay!
  • Aye!
  • Aye!
  • All in favor of taxing the poor say Aye!
  • Aye!
  • National Assembly
  • Ahhhhh!
  • We will create our own legislative group!
  • King Louis XVI had absolute power in France. He made and enforced all the laws, appointed the civil officials and military. He taxed the people and then spent the money any way he wanted. He and the Queen did not care about the people and their needs.
  • Tennis Court Oath
  • The Estates General was an assembly of representatives from each of three estates. However, a meeting had not been called.
  • Storming of Bastille
  • WHO'S WITH ME!!??
  • The National Assembly had been summoned to establish the constitution of the kingdom, to restore public order, and to maintain true principles of monarchy.
  • March to Versailles
  • Hoarder!!!!
  • Here, they swore to stay until they drew up a new constitution. This became known as Tennis Court Oath. In fact, however, they had been locked out of the castle.
  • We vow to stand together and to reassemble!
  • On July 14th, 1789, the mob rioted and attacked the royal fortress prison called the Bastille.
  • Rats!! Who told?
  • The women had marched on the palace, demanded bread, and told the queen to go back to Paris.
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