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getting invited to a party when my friend was let out on purpose
let me think about it. i will let you know as soon as i can
hey im throwing a party tomorrow wanna come. Just dont bring joey he is annoying
step one and two. define the problem and examine the options
should i got on not?
should i go to the party or not knowing they dont want my friend there.
step three. Consider the outcome
a pro of not going is that my friend wont get mad but a con of not going is that i dont get to have fun at the party
a pro of going is that i get to hang out with my other friend but a con of going is that im leaving out my friend and he might get mad
step four. identify your values
if its important that i am loyal to my friends then i will not go
if i believe in the my independence i will i will go
step five. Decide and act
hey im going to the party tonight im going to go to the party tonight.
thanks for letting me know see you tonight
this was a good idea because i want my independence and can hang out with my friend another time
step six. evaluate the decision
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