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Philippine Restaurants in 2026

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Philippine Restaurants in 2026
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  • At a restaurant in America, 2026
  • Good morning! Welcome to SKZ Restaurant. Please input your order in this iPad 15.
  • The chef has now been notified of your order. It will be delivered to your table in 12 minutes and 35 seconds. Enjoy your meal!
  • All done!
  • Thank you!
  • Isn't technology so great?! Look at all of the development our country has made in the field of technology! Restaurants are now being handled by robots and everything is much more efficient nowadays.
  • I know! If you had told me 5 years ago that I would get the chance to be served by actual robots in the future, I would've totally freaked out! We have science to thank for this.
  • Exactly 12 mins and 35 second later...
  • Hello! Here are your orders. Please press the button on your table if you need any further assistance. Enjoy!
  • Wow, this is co cool! Thank you so much.
  • Meanwhile, in the Philippines...
  • Hey, have you heard about those new restaurants in America? I wish we had those too. It's like they're living in the future!
  • Han's Resto Grill
  • Are you talking about the one with the robots? Yeah, they are pretty cool. If only the government didn't stop funding technological research, we could've had those too!
  • Hi, welcome to Han's Resto Grill. I'm Peter and I'll be your waiter for today. May I take your order?
  • Great! We'll have that ready for you in 30 minutes. Have a good day!
  • Good afternoon! We'd like to have two grilled chicken combos and two sodas please.
  • What's taking so long?! It's been close to an hour and we still don't have our food yet!
  • Almost one hour later...
  • I'm so sorry for the delay. We're currently understaffed as plenty of people from our industry has quit their job.  The equipment in our kitchen are also really faulty and we're trying our best to serve you as fast as we can. I'll get back to you in 5 minutes. Again, my sincerest apologies.
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