Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental illness. It is a series of intrusive thoughts that can cause distress. And in order to deal with the stress people with OCD perform compulsions so get rid of the anxiety
OCD can be genetic. It is usually passed on from close family such as mother to child.
There are many different types of compulsions such religious and sexual. As well as germs, washing, and counting.
Information on OCD
About 2 million adults, and 500,000 children suffer from OCD in the US
OCD can appear in childhood and adolescence.
Compulsions can take up at least 1 hour a day of that persons life
You could also go to support groups and talk about your experiences
There is no cure for OCD though therapy and medication can help it from getting worse
Of Treatment and Prevention
Types of therapy includes Exposure therapy and Cognitive behavioral therapy.
Tests can be done at any age, but it is best to get one when symptoms start to appear.