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global warming comic

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global warming comic
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  • Yo I'm Ty and I'm going to talk about global warming
  • COOL
  • global warming is a gradual increase of the earth temperature.
  • Cool! i didn't know that
  • They are releasing to much greenhouse gasses and putting more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
  • power plants are one of the reason of global warming 
  • oh no
  • you can also recycle 
  • Some ways you can prevent global warming is riding your bike instead of driving your car
  • Cool I will do that
  • If global warming doesn't stop there will be big floods, sea levels will rise, the artic ice will melt and have no home for polar bears and penguins, there will be heat waves every 5 years and plants and animals will lose their habitats
  • So if you want polar bears to have homes do what you can to stop global warming
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