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Social Studies Project
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  • All was well until Jamestown needed a way to survive, so they looked to trading their tobacco for things.
  • In 1609 a colony named Jamestown was settled and would be one of the first colonies in The New World
  • please, somebody help!
  • However, Jamestown traded some of their tobacco for slaves who were overworked against their will. This does not go with the founding ideals
  • On top of this, colonists were taking Native American land and pushing them out. Already Native Americans and African Americans had no liberty
  • Next something happened called the middle passage. Innocent people were taken from their homes in Africa and brought into the new world in very harsh conditions.
  • they were all forced to eat and many that disobeyed got whipped and sometimes had their teeth ripped out. They were also put in harsh conditions and many died or tried to kill themselves. How does that sound like liberty?
  • Then when too many of the "slaves" had disease and it started to spread to the colonists they threw all of the slaves overboard and drowned them.
  • They treated them the way they treated diseased animals back then. How is that equality?
  • Then we have Plymouth, this time the people of Plymouth decided to team up with the Wampanog Indians
  • Those Pequot people that they murdered got opportunity taken away from them after they were murdered. So in conclusion, Colonial America moved us farther from our ideals due to slavery, murder, and greed.
  • but of course they used this alliance to murder another tribe called the Pequot Tribe
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