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  • 8:54 AM
  • Students - I have news that I hope you will enjoy. We are going on an overnight field trip learning about boats. Don't worry, it is meant for schools and is safe. Well, according to the ad our principal saw on YouTube. It is just one night and you have a week to decide if you want to go.
  • 3:47 PM
  • How was your day honey?
  • Well, I got an email from your teacher. I did not read all of it, but it seemed like some type of boat themed sleepover thing. Seems fun.
  • Good. It's always the same question mom. 
  • Yeah, it is something new this year I think. I am so excited and can't wait. 
  • 6:12 PM
  • You're joking, right? My parents are the coolest for not making me go.
  • What's up bro? You hyped up for this boat trip?!
  • Oh yeah, just jokes. I think my parents are cool, too.
  • 7:17 PM
  • You're going.
  • So honey, can I tell your teacher you want to go?
  • Please stop calling me honey. I do not care anymore.
  • 9:02 AM
  • We are going to pass. See you later.
  • Last chance to get on the bus.
  • Uhh... just a second.
  • 1:08 PM
  • Remember, once you get on the boat you can not leave. Throw your luggage down under, then sign the contract.
  • They are really going far with the role-play...
  • I didn't want to embarrass myself, so I waited until they left. Then I went on.
  • This is pointless. I am not even going to read the contract.
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