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Uyarı: Telif hakkıyla korunan materyalleri (arka plan müziği, film veya televizyon klipleri, vb.) kaydetmeyin.

Storyboard That kendi yaratın


Sylvia's father turns down the superintendent's offer for the Mendez children to attend Westminster school because the offer is for onlythe Mendez children, not to end segregation. Sylvia realizes that her father turned him down so that all children could have a chance, not just herself and her brothers. She realizes that, "something bigger was happening. Her father wasn't doing this just for his family: he was thinking about kids she would never meet, who went to schools she would never see."

"There cannot be justice for one unless there is justice for all."

"I think what you're doing is ... brave."

"Every child deserves a chance."

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