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Eine Nacht Geteilte Begriffe und Anspielungen

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The Berlin Wall was built as a barrier to separate East and West Berlin. At first it was a barbed wire fence erected August 12-13, 1961. It was later built into a solid wall 12 feet high and 4 feet wide guarded by the "Grenzers."

The Cold Warwas a long period of tension after World War II between the democratic governments of Western countries and the communist governments of Eastern countries. the two main "superpowers" the U.S. and the USSR (Russia) lead the conflict. In Germany, the East was controlled by the USSR and the West by the U.S., Great Britain, and France.

Grenztruppen, nicknamed Grenzers, were the border police that stood guard along the Berlin Wall.

The Stasi, or the "Ministry for State Security", was the official state security service of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany, GDR). It was an intelligence and secret police agency that was extremely repressive to its citizens.

Terms and Allusions

"If I cannot speak what I think, then it's a crime just to be me!"

Eine Nacht Geteilte Begriffe und Anspielungen
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Eine Geteilte Nacht von Jennifer A. Nielsen

Eine geteilte Nacht von Jennifer A. Nielsen

Von Liane Hicks

A Night Divided dreht sich um die Not der zwölfjährigen Gerta, die 1965 durch die Berliner Mauer von der Hälfte ihrer Familie getrennt wird. Es ist ein rasanter, spannender Roman, der die Schüler in Atem halten wird, während sie ein tieferes Verständnis für den Kalten Krieg und ein größeres Einfühlungsvermögen für diejenigen gewinnen, die ihn auf allen Seiten erlebt haben.


Eine Geteilte Nacht

Storyboard Beschreibung

Der Roman A Night Divided enthält viele Vokabeln und Anspielungen, die für die Schüler hilfreich wären, um eine Vorschau anzuzeigen. Diese helfen beim allgemeinen Verständnis des Buches und beim Verständnis des Zeitraums. Dieses Storyboard enthält Schlüsselbegriffe sowie Definitionen und Abbildungen.


  • The Berlin Wall was built as a barrier to separate East and West Berlin. At first it was a barbed wire fence erected August 12-13, 1961. It was later built into a solid wall 12 feet high and 4 feet wide guarded by the "Grenzers."
  • The Cold War was a long period of tension after World War II between the democratic governments of Western countries and the communist governments of Eastern countries. the two main "superpowers" the U.S. and the USSR (Russia) lead the conflict. In Germany, the East was controlled by the USSR and the West by the U.S., Great Britain, and France.
  • "If I cannot speak what I think, then it's a crime just to be me!"
  • A NIGHT DIVIDEDTerms and Allusions
  • The Stasi, or the "Ministry for State Security", was the official state security service of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany, GDR). It was an intelligence and secret police agency that was extremely repressive to its citizens.
  • Grenztruppen, nicknamed Grenzers, were the border police that stood guard along the Berlin Wall.
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