„ The Stars Beneath Our Feet “ handelt von dem 12-jährigen Wallace „Lolly“ Rachpaul, der in Harlem in New York City aufwächst. Das Buch beginnt an Heiligabend ein paar Monate, nachdem Lollys großer Bruder Jermaine bei einer Schießerei im Zusammenhang mit einer Bande auf tragische Weise getötet wurde. Die Geschichte folgt Lolly, wie er seine Trauer in Kreativität umwandelt. Diese inspirierende Geschichte über Familie, Tragödie und Belastbarkeit demonstriert die heilende Kraft von Kunst, Gemeinschaft und Freundschaft.
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Big Rose repeats a poetic phrase throughout the book. It is something her grandmother taught her and is a poem from one of her Gran's books. Rose and Lolly are both grieving and dealing with traumatic loss: Rose with the death of her mother to suicide and Lolly with the death of his brother to gang violence. Both find solace in creating. They build elaborate Lego cities together in the storage room of the after-school program and find comfort and healing in the process. Rose makes an exact replica of St. Nicholas Projects and the surrounding areas. She adds stars to the bottom of her buildings to represent all the people who have died.
“Rosamund, when you die, they bury you, but your soul flies to the stars. Your mama, your daddy—they were buried under the ground, but they’re stars now, girl, stars beneath our feet.”
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