Der Maleconazo-Aufstand war ein Protest gegen die kubanische Regierung am 5. August 1994. Kuba steckte in einer Wirtschaftskrise und die Proteste wurden gewalttätig. Hunderte gingen in Havanna auf die Straße und riefen "Libertad!". Castro antwortete, indem er sagte, "die Konterrevolutionäre" könnten gehen. 35.000 flohen, meist per Boot oder Floß, in die USA.
The Syrian civil war is an ongoing armed conflict with the Ba'ath government, led by dictator Bashar Al-Assad against people who want to remove the government. The conflict began on March 15, 2011. It has been the most deadly conflict of the 21st century with over 250,000 dead and millions of refugees.
Kristallnacht ("night of broken glass") was a a series of coordinated terror attacks on Jewish people throughout Germany. On November 9-10, 1938, Nazis burned down synagogues, vandalized homes, schools, and businesses, killed almost 100 Jews, and sent 30,000 innocent Jewish men to concentration camps.
“in shortest order, actions against Jews and especially their synagogues will take place in all of Germany. These are not to be interfered with.”
-Gestapo chief Heinrich Müller in a telegram to all police units
2011 -
Von Liane Hicks