In America, individuals typically independently choose partners, with little family influence. This contrasts with cultures where families arrange marriages, reflecting American emphasis on personal autonomy.
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postive ways:
These all minor changes affect Raj's behaviour in both positive and negative ways.
Raj started to have an open-mind towards gender roles, and believed that women are also capable as men, and men can also do house-work.
After learning about the marriage culture of the Americans, Raj aspires to spend his life with a girl of his choice, and not his parents.
He has an open mind towards different cuisines and aspires to try them. But he violates some of his own major cultural norms by eating beef
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These all minor changes affect Raj's behaviour in both positive and negative ways.
Negative effects :
He started to value his privacy (Thats good), but he barely shared anything with his parents, and even got in trouble as he dint have any parents advice, also as his parents dint know a lot about his life, it started to worry them too.
Due to the profession and position heirachy, Raj started to be a little disrespectful to people elder than him, when things dont go the way he wanted them.
Raj started to rely on commercial and machine made medicines, instead of natural remedies which were better for the future.