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Natanael comic strip

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Natanael  comic strip
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  • Hey son! How was your day at school?
  • Well, I have a good day, thank you.
  • It was good mom. How was your?
  • Well, first I took my favorite class, English, then I took math, science and history.
  • Ok
  • What classes did you take today?
  • eh... I forgot if I have homework, but give me a moment to see if I have any.
  • Do you any Homework? I don't want you to leave it to the last minute.
  • Ok
  • Later
  • ...
  • Michael, do you have homework?
  • huh?
  • Michael!
  • yes Mom
  • Well, I have math homework, but it's due next week.
  • Oh.Don't leave me for the last.
  • Do you have any homework?
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