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Hello, my name is Michelle Fuerst, my Panther ID is 6248495 my standard is, SC.K.L.14.1 Recognize the five senses and related body parts.
Everyday we use our five sense to help us explore our world!
When we wake up the first sense we us is our eyes to help us see our surroundings!
When I first open my eyes I see...My bed, my window, and my puppy Xena!
The next sense I use is my sense of smell
The first thing I smelled in the morning was my breakfast! Yummy Pancakes!
I can finally use my third sense! Taste!
I can taste the yummy pancakes, for breakfast!
Using my sense of touch I touch the water before my shower to see if it is hot or cold
I use my fourth sense to hear my mom call out for me to get on the bus
MICHELLE! The bus is here!
Walking to the bus I use my sense of touch to notice how hot it is outside!
While on the bus drive I used my sense of sight to see all the highway signs
University Drive
During School I use my sense of hear to listen to my teacher teach
I use my sense of taste to eat my yummy sandwich! during lunch
While at recess, I could smell the fresh air outside as I ran Around.
Today I used all my senses and am still using them ! Have you used your senses?
The End
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