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  • INTRODUCTION: How did Auggie's journey begin?When he started going to Beecher Prep, his first school.
  • ***** * ^
  • Auggie
  • . *.. ***.0*.**
  • Isabel
  • Jack Will
  • Julian
  • Mr. Tushman
  • Charlotte
  • The first day of school...
  • PROBLEM: What gets in his way?Julian being a two-face and saying bad stuff about Auggie. OnO
  • .*....** ^ *.. ***.0*.**
  • Auggie
  • Julian
  • RISING ACTION: What further impedes Auggie's journey?Jack started being like Julian to Julian by talking bad about Auggie.
  • Auggie(wearing a mask)
  • ) ^ (
  • Julian (wearing a mask)
  • Jack in his mummy costume
  • ) } (
  • CLIMAX: What is the turning point in Auggie's journey?When Jack punches Julian because Jack had had enough of Julian's hate towards Auggie.
  • FALLING ACTION: How is/are the problem/s solved?When Auggie, Jack and some others get lost in a cornfield and they run into some bullies and the rumour gets spread around the school and everyone is nice to Auggie. (Doesn't make much sense when I word it like that)
  • . *.. ***.0*.**
  • CONCLUSION: What lesson/s does Auggie learn?Everyone deserves a standing ovation every once in a while, no matter who they are. :)
  • . *.. ***.0*.**
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