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  • I have lived in this neighborhood for 2 months and I still get lost when I leave my house.
  • I have tried using a map, but it doesn't work because I can't read maps.
  • Have you used any GPS to locate you since you moved?
  • Have you ever kept someone waiting for 30 minutes? The other day I left my boyfriend waiting for our romantic date because I couldn't make it to the date on time because I got lost.
  • Don´t be dramatic, I assure you that he understood perfectly that you are still lost in the neighborhood. Everyone at some point we have gotten lost when being in a new place or we have been late to see someone.
  • You're right, I shouldn't be dramatic. He offered to take me anywhere when I needed it
  • Hello girls, I've been looking for you for a few hours
  • Today in college something incredible happened to me. I have been working on an English project for 1 month, and today the teacher congratulated me on my good work
  • Congratulations, you have worked so hard at hoomework.
  • In college...
  • Seriously? I have been working very hard for this homewoork.
  • ¡Congratulations!
  • Congratulations Paulo, you had the highest grade in the class.
  • . PizzaPlanet .
  • I have never come to eat here, but I really like the idea
  • have you ever tried the food here? we can go to eat something and celebrate your achievement in college
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