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The Retire Solider and the Woman

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The Retire Solider and the Woman
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  • I'm good, Miss. Thanks for asking,
  • Hi! Young man, how are you?
  • I had been quit from the military service from 3 year, so I don't use to talk with a lot people around
  • Why you always look uncomfortable while talking to people?
  • How do think about the just war?
  • I just fully confused for three year; but I think the just war is a violence action because I did the harmful thinks to the immoral people.
  • Scene 1:The young woman meets the retire solider
  • Yes, you point out very good point. I also saw many families lost their kids or husbands during the war
  • Scene 2:The young woman seems him always quiet
  • What do think the solider have to be trained as get use to kill?
  • It is because an individual as a soldier you have follow the order as the rule and protect the people safe; however, I don't like that peace build upon the war and blood.
  • Scene 3:The woman invited the man to visit
  • As you see, the war may harm the value of humanity and our rights.
  • Scene 4:They start tp argument about the war
  • From the history of all the wars, it destroys many prosperities for the countries
  • Scene 5:The woman asks him about the military training method
  • Scene 6:The retired soldier final finds people who can understand him
  • That's reason why I choose to quit from being a solder, and being a normal person like you.
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