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  • Hi Adrian, wanna join me to go to the park?
  • Hi Alice, yes for sure.Let's go!
  • Adrian,do you know that smoke from that factory can cause air pollution?
  • What? air pollution?
  • Yes, of course I can.Let's sit at that bench.
  • Yes,air pollution is refers to the release of air pollutants into the air
  • IHrmm,I'm understand but can you explain to me more about air pollution like its cause or effect?
  • Air pollution is caused by certain gases that are suspended in the air.These gases can come from car and truck exhaust,factories,dust and more. Adrian,can you give me more example of cause of air pollution
  • I thiink open burning of garbage waste is one of the main cause of air pollution.
  • So now let's talk abaout it effect.Do you want try to explain about it?
  • Yes, I can try.Air pollution can effect our environment which is can cause our Earth sick.For example,global warming and acid rain.
  • It's correct Adrian.Air pollution also can effect our health.It will increase the risk of respiratoy infections,heart disease and lung cancer.
  • It's danger.We need to protect our Eart and our family!
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