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super dog helps a girl with her mental emotional health
sally not having motovaion
*no motovation to hang out with friends*
sally has been looking really sad lateley
shes been avoiding us a lot
sally putting herself down and having bad thoughts
i want to end it all
i am so overwhelmed
nobody likes me
i just want to die
sally getting anxiety and andy worried about his best friend sally.
im getting super nervous and sweaty i dont want to talk to anyone
ANDY: hey sally...
andy talking to superdog to help sally
hey superdog have you seen sally lately?? shes my best friend i am worried
shes been really weird recently and she wont talk to anyone. shes been really sad.
dont worry andy i will talk to her for you
superdog talking to sally.
calmly breathing.
thank you superdog.
hey sally, andy sent me to talk to you. hes really worried about you. i dont know what your going though but im here to help
i know some things that can help. we care about you
here. try to take breaks when you need to. its ok to cry. try to be more productive like take walks. try to talk to andy.
hes a really good friend, he understands how you are feeling and he wants to help. talking to someone can really help.
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