The four main events of the Spanish Armada in image form.
The Sighting
The murder
130 Spanish ships set off in a fleet in May, 1588. Three days in, the English ships spot some of the Spanish ships, send out a warning and sink a few of their ships.
Cutting the Anchors
Mary Queen of Scots is murdered by Elizabeth. Then Drake (the vice admiral in command of the English fleet) raids Spanish ports, consequently delaying the Armada's preparations.
The End
The Armada sets sail for England and anchors near Calais. Although, England then send fireships in Calais breaking up their crescent formation this causes the Armada to cut their anchors to escape.
The Spanish fleet are badly damaged, short of supplies and with poor maps. They have to run from the gales in the North Sea, round Scotland and Ireland. Only 53 out of 130 reach Spain.