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  • First Law of Thermodynamics
  • hey , what's up?
  • nothing much , you?
  • uhhmmm  , no. i don't have any idea about thermodynamics , why?
  • have you heard about thermodynamics?
  • what is all about sam?
  • thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor detroyed, only altered in form
  • oh really, is that so?
  • yea , so you should know this. try to search for more information about thermodynamics.
  • yea , i will sam., but can you give me an example? before we go home?
  • example of thermodynamics  is the plants and trees around us. they get energy  from the sun 
  • to grow through the process of photosynthesis.
  • that's the one example.
  • okay bryan, i'll discuss more tomorrow. I have to go home na
  • okay sam, thankyou for explaining thermodynamics to me. see you tomorrow!!
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